Podcasting under the pink stairs

The deep connection between Elementor and WordPress

Miriam and Rebecca talk about the deep connection between Elementor and WordPress, the power of being part of the open-source culture, and why there’s nothing like face-to-face communication.


Miriam Schwab
Head of WordPress Relations
Rebecca Markowitz
R&D Release Manager
Miriam is Head of WordPress at Elementor, where she leads the company’s activities to support, and collaborate with, the larger WordPress ecosystem. Prior to joining Elementor, Miriam co-founded Strattic to revolutionize WordPress security and performance on the web. Before that, Miriam founded and managed a prominent WordPress development agency in Israel. With over 18 years of industry experience, she’s a respected member of the WordPress community and a renowned speaker.
Rebecca is Release Manager for the Elementor Editor, Project Manager, and Developer Outreach Manager. She makes sure that releases are stable, communicates with third-party plugin developers in the Elementor/WordPress ecosystem, raising the bar for all Elementor-related products to ensure compatibility for our shared users. Previously, Rebecca led the customer experience team at Strattic for 3+ years. And before that, Rebecca was a web project manager at illuminea, a WordPress development agency, for over 11 years. In short, she’s known Miriam for over 18 years.

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